Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the purpose of this project?

The project aims to celebrate the birthday of photography on August 19th, 2024, by encouraging people worldwide to capture and share their photographs taken on that day. Selected images will be compiled into a book and an online gallery.

2. Who is the organizer?

A Finnish Photographer, Peter Forsgård, organizes the project.

3. Who can participate in this project?

Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of age, experience level, or type of camera used. You can be a professional photographer or someone taking their first photograph.

4. What kind of photographs are you looking for?

We are looking for a wide variety of subjects, including people, landscapes, animals, and more. We want to see different emotions, from beauty to decay, happiness to sadness, and the various times of the day.

5. Are there any gear restrictions?

No, there are no gear restrictions. You can use any camera, including mobile phones. However, AI-generated images and photos with elements added or removed using tools like Generative Fill are not allowed.

6. What are the submission requirements?

- The photograph must be taken on August 19th, 2024.

- The image metadata must include the correct date.

- Basic editing and cropping are allowed, but the image should remain a true document.

- No nudity or improper content will be accepted.

7. How do I participate?

First, register on our website to receive project updates. After registration, you will receive a link to the submission form where you can send your image.

8. Will my email be shared?

No, your email will only be used for project-related information and will not be shared with anyone or used for spam.

9. How will the images be selected?

Peter will select the best images for inclusion in the book and online gallery. The decision-making process may expand to include a larger panel in future iterations.

10. What happens to the selected images?

Selected images will be featured in a book available on Blurb and an online gallery. They may also be used for marketing purposes with proper credit to the photographers.

11. Who retains the copyright of the submitted images?

You retain full copyright of your submitted images. By submitting, you grant permission for your images to be used in the book, on the project website, in a live stream, and for marketing purposes, with proper credit given each time.

12. Do I need a model release?

If your photograph includes recognizable individuals, please ensure you obtain a signed model release from each person depicted. This release permits their image to be used in the project and its associated publications, including the book, website, and any promotional materials. By submitting your photograph, you confirm that you have secured the necessary releases for all identifiable individuals in the image. This helps us respect privacy and comply with legal requirements.

13. What will the book proceeds be used for?

Profits from the book will be donated to a good cause, which will be decided before August 19th, 2024. Some funds will be used to cover project expenses, with a detailed account of costs shared with participants. 14. Do participants receive a free copy of the book?

As this project has no participation fee, we cannot provide participants with free copies of the book.

15. Will there be any merchandise available?

Yes, project-themed merchandise will be available for purchase to help cover expenses. You can find them by clicking this link.

16. Where can I find more information?

More information will be available on the project website. You can also stay informed by checking your email for updates after registering.

17. What if my image is not selected for the book?

Even if your image is not selected for the book, it will still be part of the online gallery, showcasing all the submitted photos.

18. How can I prepare for photographing on August 19th, 2024?

You can plan your photograph in advance or take spontaneous shots on the day. Just ensure that the photo captures the spirit of the project and adheres to the submission requirements.

19. How many photos can I submit?

On August 19th, take as many photos as you like. Choose the best one and submit just one photograph.

20. What about watermarks?

Please do not add watermarks to your photos. Every photo will have full credits, so people will know it’s yours.

21. How about image editing?

Image editing is allowed. As I've said before, editing is a big part of photography and always has been. In the past, photos were edited in the darkroom. The negative was just the starting point. Please do not remove or add elements using AI or Generative Fill tools. Multiple exposures in camera and in post-production are okay. For portraits, avoid excessive beauty retouching. We want to see natural-looking people.

For additional questions, please visit our website or contact us directly.

Let's make August 19th a global celebration of photography!